This is a free study guide to A Man For All Seasons written by Robert Bolt. In his Preface, Bolt says he was not interested in More as a religious martyr but in More as a hero of individual conscience. He portrays More as the ideal humanist who thinks for himself. He explains that he wants to draw the lessons that interest a modern audience.
The integrity of Sir Thomas More can be admired from many angles. For instance, More is read today by socialists for his ideas of common ownership in his book, Utopia, and by Catholics as a canonized saint for defending the Catholic Church. offers for free chapter by chapter summaries and analysis. Please click on the literary analysis category you wish to be displayed. Back and Next buttons can guide you through all the sections or you can choose to jump from section to section using the links below or the links at the left.

Author: Robert Bolt
Published: April 14, 1990
Pages: 192 pages
ISBN#: 0679728228
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