This is a free study guide to A Lost Lady written by Willa Sibert Cather.
Cather based the story on her memory of the Garbers of Red Cloud, Nebraska. Silas Garber (1833-1905) had been a captain in the Union army and a builder for the Burlington railroad. He was a founder of the town of Red Cloud, president of the Farmer’s and Merchant’s Bank there, and the fourth Governor of Nebraska (1875-1879). His wife, Lyra (1855-1921), was the model for Marian Forrester, and like Marian, was twenty-five years younger, his second wife from California. Please click on the literary analysis category you wish to be displayed.
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Author: Willa Sibert Cather
Published: September, 2009
Pages: 82 pages
ISBN#: 1449529313
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